We are now exactly 22 days away from the First Anniversary of Tyler Clementi's death, a fact I am sure does not escape his family and supporters. One trouble with Tyler I have to admit to is that, because of his tragic demise, selections of what pic to use for each posting are rather limited. I try not to repeat photos, but in this case almost cannot help myself. Of course, if Tyler had been allowed his life, there would have been more pics--graduation from college, more musical triumphs, Facebook and other profiles. But such is not the case.
Just something I wanted to all to know. The real crux of things here is that the Star Ledger Editorial Board, courtesy of the blog NJ.com, seems, if you read carefully, to be siding with the defense. Can they make it any more obvious???? And, of course, if one sides with the defense, then one sides with the idea that victims, for whatever reason, deserve to be bullied or harassed because their tormentors have that right!!!!!
Honey, if I were a Ledger subscriber, I would cancel this second!!!! But they do not have to worry about yours truly--oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Concerning the mysterious partner known only as "M.B.," who was involved with Tyler, both parties seem to be in agreement that his identity remain anonymous. I concur here, too. This individual is, through no fault of his own, linked to one of the most tragic cause celebres of the early part of this century, which is a big enough burden to carry. Forget about the media suddenly coming at you, demanding interviews, answers and making recriminations of their own.
So I am with both parties on this man's privacy. Personally, I would love to know more!!!!! But do we need to????????? Not really!!!!!!!!!!!
Where I deviate, and side with the prosecution, is in their maintaining that, while the defense interviews "M.B.," a State Investigator be present. That way, they cannot fudge anything in their favor. And I would also add that should the prosecution interview him, the same standards remain in place. But then the lily does not need to be gilded when it comes to Tyler, who is innocent of any wrongdoing. Once again, good old fashioned finger pointing and speciousness used is being used in a desperate attempt to get Ravi off.
The defense wonders if Tyler knew he was being taped, and warned the guy.
If so, then why go through with the encounter where they did? Why not leave the room/campus/wherever, and go someplace else????? If they had, Tyler would still be here. These sleazeballs also hypothesize that maybe the gents played it up intentionally for the camera, a statement that, as a Gay man, I find offensive. Not all Gay men are child molesters has been heralded for years. By the same token, not all Gay men are rabid exhibitionists. Those who are generally have friends and venues where they can act out such things. Tyler and this guy do not strike me as that type. I recall reading somewhere that Tyler maintained that sexual activity should not begin till one reaches 18, which shows a young man taking a rather sensible approach to an adult matter. Most of his peers don't have that sensibility.
The defense also wants everything about "M.B." kept secret, even to the prosecution. Don't they have a right to know, especially if the defense knows already?????
Once again the attempt is to discredit Tyler Clementi. But in blatantly stating such forthright opinions, the Ledger Editorial Board have done their best to discredit themselves.
Both legal sides need from "M.B." a truthful account of what took place. Tyler is not alive to tell his side; this guy is in the position of having to give his own side, and speaking for Tyler's.
This case needs to go to trial. Things need to happen in court. That the defense is trying to sway public opinion, which it obviously has done with the
Ledger, speaks of two things--this legal team's desperaton and this media constituency's already biased stand on the matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Objectivity rules, darlings!!!!!!!! And here there can be only one objective--Justice For Tyler Clementi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!