Darlings, we just LOVE Gloria Allred!!!!! We really do!!!!!!!!
We may not always agree with her, as Esther Drescher demonstrated last year on Fran's show, when she (Esther) walked off the set on all fours, but, honey, let's face it, there isn't a bigger media ho' out there. Within the legal profession, she runs just behind Johnny Cochran and Allen Dershowitz as an attention addict.
Gloria is colorful, flamboyant, loud and loud mouthed!!!!! Too bad I was not around when she was prosecuting Roman Polanski; all it would have taken for me, back then, was to sleep with Roman, and that would have gotten him off in every which way, not to mention legally. Back in the days of "Rosemary's Baby," I used to have the hots for Roman Polanski. I still love his artistic genius, and I am sure we could schmooze and drink!!!!! But, at 77!!!! Darling, I've had old in my time, but not THAT old!!!!!!!
And like any good attention addict, like our beloved Reverend Al Sharpton, who was mentioned several weeks back, no matter what cause or client Gloria may take on, somehow it all boils down to her agenda, and being All About Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to see what she is going to do next!!!! And neither can you, loves!!!!!!!!
It is a wonder Gloria does not have her own reality show!!!!! Don't hold your breath, dolls; if there is money to be had, Gloria will do it!!!!!!!!!
And I want to be one of her guests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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