It just goes to show girls, that even a jaded, aged, ex-Jerseyite like me, can still learn things about my Home State. Last night, Monsieur and I, with my friend Tom, joined by Joe and Mike, met for a joint birthday dinner at Tops Diner, which was quite an experience. The building does stand out for miles, but if you try and Google it, its location becomes confusing. It is listed, respectively, as being in either East Newark, Harrison, or Kearney. Good thing I was not driving or navigating, otherwise we never would have found it!!!!!
Back in 1996, author Peter Genovese did a picture/text book, called "Jersey Diners." Supposedly, the Garden State has more diners than any other, and some are quite famous for their design and decor. Others are famous for other things, like the Blairstown Diner, which appeared in the original "Friday, The 13th," and which, of course, I have been to.
While busing out to Joe's, riding along Route #3, I have always been struck by the sight of the Tick-Tock-Diner!!!!! And you all know how, for nearly 20 years now, I have simply ADORED the Nevada Diner, in Bloomfield!!!!!
But, for sheer, grandiosity, decor, and Jersey crowd, you cannot beat the Tops. I mean, darlings, we had to wait 20 minutes for a table!!!!! At a diner????? It got to the point where I was thinking of telling them we knew Meryl Streep; maybe that would count for something!!!! And I would just bet Meryl has dined here; albeit incognito!!!!!
The size of the parking lot is staggering!!!! The route from our table to the bathroom was at least an entire street block!!!! The mobs of people waiting to get in suggested this is THE area hot spot!!!!!!
As for the food? Well, the menu was so overwhelming it was hard to make a decision. But we did--Monsieur went for Eggplant Parmesan, Mike had a Cheeseburger Platter, Joe had the Pumpkin and Sage Ravioli (pretty creative, for a diner!!), Tom had Barbecued Chicken Breasts, with the largest bowl of Creamed Spinach I have ever seen, girls!!!! A regular laxative, darlings!!!! As for me, I had something called the Mulberry Street Baked Ziti, which consisted of pasta, cheese, sauce, crumbled meatballs, and sausage bits, and, honey, it was good!!! Add to this, all I had eaten that day up till now was a bowl of oatmeal, so I was ravenous!!!! And the salad was fresh, and the loaf of bread, which we sliced, was warm!!!!!
Only because it was my birthday (and Tom's) did I gorge on desert after such a meal!!!! I opted for the Bananas Foster (can you believe that??? on a DINER's menu??? in New Jersey), which was as good as anything in NOLA!!!! You could go there just for this and coffee and come out full!!!! Tom had a scrumptious Red Velvet Cheesecake, which, on him, darlings, did not show; Joe, true to his roots, had Tiramisu, which looked scrumptious, and Monsieur had a luscious Banana Cream Pie, which I sampled, and found perfection!!! Oh, and plenty of coffee, girls!!!!!
You have GOT to go to the Tops Diner, loves; it is an ultimate Jersey experience. My only question is, where was the Bottoms???? No, girls, I am not talking about men!!!! Here is what I mean!!!!!!
Back in the Golden Days of my childhood, when my parents and I would dine at Snuffy's Steakhouse in Scotch Plains, there was an auxiliary establishment right across the street called Snuffy's Jr!!!! It was a small place, child friendly, that offered burgers and such. So families that wanted a quick meal, or whose children were not ready for a full-fledged restaurant experience, could partake of Snuffy's fare. And, of course, it was cheaper!!!!!
So, I think Tops should have an auxiliary place, too, called , what else?, Bottoms!!!! They are doing so well that, in time, I think they will have to!!!!!!
I am telling you, NOTHING beats a Scenic Saturday Night In Northern New Jersey!!!!!!!!!
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