With Thanksgiving just one day away, and Black Friday, two, darlings, we are now at the time of year where everything speeds up, like a silent movie played at the wrong speed, till it all comes to a crashing, grinding halt on January 2!!!!!
I mean, just think! Right now, the Rockettes are performing at Radio City Music Hall, and, loves, you just know I would love to be up there, with them. But this is also the Season of the Nativity, and I am telling you, the Nativity in the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular is SO stunning, I don't think the real thing could have been better staged. I recall seeing it years ago as child, and, I am telling you, when that angel dropped from above, hovering over the manger, and a soprano began to trill "O Holy Night," well, girls, I was SO verklempt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And in just two days, "The Nutcracker", which keeps the NYCB going all year, arrives at the State Theatre, complete with that giant tree, and Mother Ginger and Her Ponshinelles!!!!!! These are all signs of the Season, along with my favorite, the Christmas tree and Creche at the Metropolitan Museum Of Art, which should be going up in the next week or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, when I think back to what triggers and triggered Christmas thoughts at the earliest time of life, two things come to mind--the illustration of the candlelit Christmas tree in the edition of "My Book House" that featured the Nutcracker story, and the Little Golden Books edition I had for years of "The Night Before Christmas," whose illustrations put the Holiday in a perpetual stage of Victoriana, which led to my fantasies and interests in such, and still is my overall view of the holiday.
LOVE the picture of the huge canopied bed, a gowned-up-to-her-neck Mama, complete with kerchief, sleeping under the covers, and Daddy, in his night shirt and cap, waiting to get into bed. Just like me, loves!!!!!!! The antiquated toys from another era, the period decor and costumes, created an impression of the Holiday that has lasted me my entire life. If only I had kept that book; I would bring it out on Christmas Eve. Certainly, more sophisticated, darlings, than watching Mystery Science Theater's presentation of the K. Gordon Murray former 60's matinee classic, "Santa Claus," complete with the greatest Technicolor Expressionistic set design this side of Georges Melies, the little Mexican girl, Lupita(!!!!) and the most flamboyant Devil this side of Christopher Street!!!!!! Some things were just better in the old days, darlings!!!!!!!!!!
Nevertheless, the Time IS upon us, so whatever stirs your heart the most, cherish it, and cherish those around you with whom you can share it!!!!!!!!!!!
Season's Greetings, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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